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Issues mocking curried method with variable argument parameter

Open morgen-peschke opened this issue 9 years ago • 12 comments

The documentation is unclear about how this interaction should be handled, and I can't seem to find a combination that works.

Given this trait:

trait DataStore {
   def insertAt(timestamp: Long)(elements: String*): Unit

And this test suite:

package bugReport.scalamock

import org.scalatest.{ Matchers, WordSpec }
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory

class CurriedVarArgSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {

  "Mocking DataStore" should {
    "be able to handled curried varargs" in {
      val dataStore = mock[DataStore]
      val timestamp = 40L

      // Mock call to insertAt here


I expected that mocking insertAt would be fairly straightforward.

(dataStore.insertAt(_: Long)(_:String*)).expects(timestamp, "TestString")

However, this did not compile.

[error] .../bugReport/src/test/scala/scalamock/CurriedVarArgSpec.scala:14: ')' expected but identifier found.
[error]       (dataStore.insertAt(_: Long)(_:String*)).expects(timestamp, "TestString")
[error]                                            ^
[error] .../bugReport/src/test/scala/scalamock/CurriedVarArgSpec.scala:17: ')' expected but '}' found.
[error]     }
[error]     ^
[error] two errors found

Removing the offending * didn't match the signature, but did compile.

(dataStore.insertAt(_: Long)(_:String)).expects(timestamp, "TestString")

Unfortunately, this caused the test to fail.

[info] - should be able to handled curried varargs *** FAILED ***
[info]   Unexpected call: insertAt(40, WrappedArray(TestString))
[info]   Expected:
[info]   inAnyOrder {
[info]     insertAt(40, TestString) once (never called - UNSATISFIED)
[info]   }
[info]   Actual:
[info]     insertAt(40, WrappedArray(TestString)) (Option.scala:121)

Attempting to modify the mock to expect a WrappedArray was the next attempt.

import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
(dataStore.insertAt(_: Long)(_: WrappedArray[String])).expects(timestamp, "TestString")

This took me back to a compilation error, which did confirm that String was the appropriate type for that mock parameter.

[error] .../bugReport/src/test/scala/scalamock/CurriedVarArgSpec.scala:38: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray[String]
[error]  required: String
[error]       (dataStore.insertAt(_: Long)(_: WrappedArray[String])).expects(timestamp, "TestString")
[error]                                     ^
[error] .../bugReport/src/test/scala/scalamock/CurriedVarArgSpec.scala:38: value expects is not a member of (Long, scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray[String]) => Unit
[error]       (dataStore.insertAt(_: Long)(_: WrappedArray[String])).expects(timestamp, "TestString")
[error]                                                              ^
[error] two errors found

One final stab it the dark was to keep the String in the signature, but expect an Array (WrappedArray cannot be instantiated directly)

(dataStore.insertAt(_: Long)(_: String)).expects(timestamp, Array("TestString"))

This also does not compile.

[error] .../bugReport/src/test/scala/scalamock/CurriedVarArgSpec.scala:49: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : Array[String]
[error]  required: org.scalamock.MockParameter[String]
[error]       (dataStore.insertAt(_: Long)(_: String)).expects(timestamp, Array("TestString"))
[error]                                                                        ^
[error] one error found

So, at this point, I'm stuck. Can this be mocked?

morgen-peschke avatar Jan 30 '16 22:01 morgen-peschke

I'm seeing the same behaviour here. In my case the repeated parameter is in the first parameter list and the second parameter list is an implicit parameter list.


trait TypeClass[T]

object TypeClass {
  implicit object StringTypeClass extends TypeClass[String]

class ClassUnderTest {
  def mydef[T: TypeClass](a: String, b: String*): String = "result"

class TestBase extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
  "repeated params" should "work" in {
    val m = mock[ClassUnderTest]

    (m.mydef(_: String, _: String)(_: TypeClass[String])).expects("a", "b", *).returning("mocked result")

    tm.mydef("a", "b")


The above compiles but the test fails (correctly) because a Seq("b") is actually passed. Workaround (very ugly) by explicitly defining the parameter and exploiting type erasure:

    val bParam = new MockParameter[Seq[String]](Seq("b"))

    (t.mydef(_: String, _: String)(_: TypeClass[String])).expects("a", bParam.asInstanceOf[MockParameter[String]], *).returning("doof")

carstenlenz avatar Sep 13 '16 16:09 carstenlenz

that is an interesting one. I experimented a bit myself:

  test("varargs") {
    trait Foo {
      def foo(what: String*): String
      def bar(i: Int)(what: String*): String

    val m = mock[Foo] _ expects Seq("a", "b" ) returning "bar" once()
    ( Int)(_: (String*))) expects (42, "1") returning "baz" once()"a", "b") === "bar""1", "2") === "baz"

but that ends in a compiler error:

Error:(47, 25) no * parameter type allowed here
    ( (_: Int)(_: (String*))) expects (42, "1") returning "baz" once()

barkhorn avatar Nov 30 '16 21:11 barkhorn

We are looking forward for the solution of this bug. Thank you so much.

HDBandit avatar Dec 21 '16 09:12 HDBandit

If def bar(i: Int)(what: Any*): String is mocked with ( Int)(_: Seq[_])) expects (42, Seq("1")) returning "baz" once() everything works fine, but not with String* as a type

barkhorn avatar Mar 05 '17 16:03 barkhorn

I'm personally having trouble mocking a method as such

def someMethod(normalEasyToMockArgument: String, variableArgument: (String, Any)*): Unit

GMadorell avatar Apr 10 '17 14:04 GMadorell

sorry, closed accidentally

barkhorn avatar Dec 30 '17 00:12 barkhorn

Maybe this workaround is helpful in the meantime:

  "Varargs in 2nd param list" should "be mockable" in {
    trait TypeToMock {
      def bar(i: Int)(what: String*): String

    trait Workaround extends TypeToMock {
      def bar(i: Int)(what: Any*): String

    val m = mock[Workaround]
    ( Int)(_: Seq[_])) expects (42, Seq("1", "2")) returning "baz" once()"1", "2") === "baz"

barkhorn avatar Dec 30 '17 01:12 barkhorn

@barkhorn Any idea how to mock or create a workaround for this:

I just have to mock the first get() method that doesn't have any varargs string parameter, but some overloaded methods of it do have which I am not using but the problem remains.

val aerospikeClient: IAerospikeClient = mock[IAerospikeClient]

(aerospikeClient.get: (Policy, Key) => Record)
      .expects(new Policy(), new Key())

With Mockito it works.


fpopic avatar Jan 25 '18 12:01 fpopic

Shortened the interface a bit to not depend on any external stuff:

public interface IAerospikeClient {
    public Record get(Policy policy, Key key) throws AerospikeException;
    public Record get(Policy policy, Key key, String... binNames) throws AerospikeException;


import VarArgsWorkaround.Overloaded
import iaero.{IAerospikeClient, Key, Policy, Record}
import org.scalamock.function.MockFunction2
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}

class VarArgsWorkaround extends FunSuite with MockFactory with Matchers {
  test("workaround") {
    val record = mock[Record]
    val policy = mock[Policy]
    val key = mock[Key]
    val mockGet = mockFunction[Policy, Key, Record]
    mockGet expects (policy, key) returns record once()
    val mockClient = new Overloaded(mockGet)
    mockClient.get(policy, key) should be (record)

object VarArgsWorkaround {
  class Overloaded(mf: MockFunction2[Policy, Key, Record]) extends IAerospikeClient {
    override def get(policy: Policy, key: Key): Record = mf(policy, key)
    override def get(policy: Policy, key: Key, binNames: String*): Record = ???

probably need to create Record, Key, Policy differently. I stubbed them out to illustrate the pattern.

Note: Any further requests/discussions on workarounds needs to be StackOverflow please.

barkhorn avatar Jan 27 '18 10:01 barkhorn

This thread seemed to go off the rails a bit. I'm a little confused. Is there still no way to use ScalaMock with String* matching?

jcavalieri avatar Feb 19 '24 19:02 jcavalieri

This works fine with 6.0.0-M1 and scala 3 since there is one parameter list and type is inferred.

        trait DataStore {
          def insertAt(timestamp: Long, elements: String*): Unit

        val dataStore = mock[DataStore]
        val timestamp = 40L

        (dataStore.insertAt _).expects(*, Seq("TestString", "TestString2")).returns(())

        dataStore.insertAt(timestamp, "TestString", "TestString2")

goshacodes avatar Feb 25 '24 11:02 goshacodes

I'll search for solution with scala 3. At first glance it can be done. But not really simple

goshacodes avatar Feb 25 '24 12:02 goshacodes