autocards copied to clipboard
Accelerating learning through machine-generated flashcards.
- Automatically create questions and answers from various input formats (PDF files, webpages, wikipedia, epub files, etc) for your favorite flashcards software (like anki, SuperMemo or others).
- Can handle virtually any language thanks to inbuilt translation (but usually at the cost of lower quality cards).
- To see a real world example, the complete output of this article can be found in this folder. It's the direct output with no post processing whatsoever.
- Code is PEP compliant and with docstrings. Contributions and PR are extremely appreciated.
- Learn more by reading the official write-up.
How to:
- This has been tested on python 3.9 but will probably work on earlier versions as well.
git clone
cd autocards
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
- install punkt by running
python -m nltk.downloader punkt
- open a python console:
- read the usage guide below
All arguments are mentioned with their default value, you don't have to supply them every time.
from autocards import Autocards
a = Autocards(in_lang="en", out_lang="en")
translation modules sometimes need to be downloaded and can be rather large
consuming input text is done using one of the following ways:
a.consume_var(my_text, per_paragraph=True)
a.consume_textfile(path_to_file, per_paragraph=True)
a.consume_pdf(path_to_file, per_paragraph=True)
a.consume_web(link_or_path, mode="url", element="p")
mode can be "url" or "local"
element is the html element, like p for paragraph
different ways to get the results back:
out = a.string_output(prefix='', jeopardy=False)
prefix is a text that will be appended before the question & answer
jeopardy is for swapping question and answer
a.print(prefix='', jeopardy=False)
a.pprint(prefix='', jeopardy=False)
pprint stands for pretty printing
a.to_anki(deckname="autocards_export", tags=["some_tag"])
df = a.pandas_df(prefix='')
a.to_csv("output.csv", prefix="")
a.to_json("output.json", prefix="")
Also note that a user provided his own scripts that you can get inspiration from, they are a bit outdated but can be found in the folder