Yes, I had assumed that viewing of Avro encoded messages would be possible so disappointed that it's not.
> Micronaut already supports multitenancy by column when using the same schema. > I needed to have multitenancy separated by database or schema, so I have multiple datasources defined in...
Was this issue ever resolved - as I'm experiencing something very similar. I've narrowed it down to only occurring when using certain key value prefixes of the tables in question...
@bpinto @kouber @mpasquini I have run into the same issue, running pglogical 2.3 with postgresql 12. Thanks to the information above I was able to get DELETES replicated using the...
> I checked collation on database level and table & index columns , those are exactly identical which is en_US.UTF-8. > > Reproduce using data copy from original table with...
Thank you very much, down-grading to PostgreSQL 11 does indeed avoid the erratic problem I experienced where some update/delete fail on the downstream system. I also tried upgrading to Postgresql...
Was there any closure on this issue? I've just come across the same exception. My application is a grails application. We have no APM API calls in our application, buy...