Face-Recognition copied to clipboard
Facing the following issue
I am facing the following error. I have tried to update the path of the facebank.pth in the utils.py file. Can you suggest any `solution??
arcface loaded
{'data_path': PosixPath('/home/intisar/Documents/arcface/Face-Recognition-master/data/facebank'), 'work_path': PosixPath('work_space'), 'model_path': PosixPath('work_space/models'), 'log_path': PosixPath('work_space/log'), 'save_path': PosixPath('work_space/save'), 'input_size': [112, 112], 'embedding_size': 512, 'use_mobilfacenet': False, 'facebank_path': PosixPath('/home/intisar/Documents/arcface/Face-Recognition-master/data/facebank/facebank'), 'net_depth': 50, 'drop_ratio': 0.6, 'net_mode': 'ir_se', 'device': device(type='cuda', index=0), 'test_transform': Compose(
Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
), 'data_mode': 'emore', 'vgg_folder': PosixPath('/home/intisar/Documents/arcface/Face-Recognition-master/data/facebank/faces_vgg_112x112'), 'ms1m_folder': PosixPath('/home/intisar/Documents/arcface/Face-Recognition-master/data/facebank/faces_ms1m_112x112'), 'emore_folder': PosixPath('/home/intisar/Documents/arcface/Face-Recognition-master/data/facebank/faces_emore'), 'batch_size': 100, 'threshold': 1.5, 'face_limit': 10, 'min_face_size': 35}
ir_se_50 model opened
learner loaded
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "app.py", line 5, in
May I know your numpy version?
Is the issue solved?? I am facing the same issue
My numpy version is 1.19.1
I feel torch is not able to load model_final.pth from workspace/save folder.
I am not sure how to proceed. Can you suggest the solution?
I am facing the same issue.