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Happign allows you to use the APIs provided by the IGN (France) to download their public data.
Implement route planner service from IGN for isodist and isochron : https://geoservices.ign.fr/services-web-experts-calcul
Try to use new `req_perform_iterative()` from `httr2` package to avoid for loop in apicarto.
- [ ] Maj of `get_raw_lidar()` now that the service is up and running again and rename it `get_lidar_raw` - [ ] Add a function to retrieve classified LIDAR data...
Add dependency to [happifn](https://github.com/paul-carteron/happifn) package when it is no longer in beta format to allow the downloading of national forest inventory data.
Integrate CSW service (https://geoservices.ign.fr/services-beta-geoplateforme-metadonnees)
Allow `get_wms_raster()` to use gdal_warp options (eg :-cutline). I don't now how to implement it for now. - add new param `options` like gdal_utils ? - add multiple new param...
get_apicart_* don't support multi featrues objects : ``` r library(sf) #> Warning: le package 'sf' a été compilé avec la version R 4.3.1 #> Linking to GEOS 3.11.2, GDAL 3.6.2,...
Sur le script suivant ``` library(happign) library(sf) borders