
Results 31 comments of pattontim

Check out the changes I just pushed for the BT driver for Windows! These are the kinds of changes to need to implement a driver. PR to main c branch...

Alright so the issue is related to which controller is assigned the default mapper. If I start scc-daemon with SC plugged in first, then keyboard works only on the SC....

On the c version, priv->controller_id is the culprit, since it's null then the osd client associated with the keyboard simply returns the first controller.

_Possible breaking changes_ sccd_input_hidapi_hid_request(InputDevice* _dev, **u**int16_t idx sccd_input_hidapi_hid_request(InputDevice* _dev, int16_t idx I don't entirely recall why, but windows didn't like that it was a uint. It seems like if I...

> Well, most obvious "fix" would be to emulate keypresses on timer. > > But I don't have same issue on my (virtual) Windows. Isn't issue caused by input handling...

The current blocker for this is turning the controller off and resetting. The controller seems to ignore requests to turn off... `//0xC0, 0x9F, 0x04, 0x6f, 0x66, 0x66, 0x21 }; uint8_t...

Pending comments on the more dubious changes

To maintain merge functionality between file types needs calls to safetensors.torch.loadfile in Edit: commit soon

The convert script will likely need to be modified also because other models don't seem to work when loading the tensors out of them. Only trinart_60k appears to work out...

Me and the safetensors dev have gone back and forth about a bug with loading models via CPU. Unfortunately it means for now safetensor models can only be loaded to...