Bootstrap-3-Axure-7-Template-Library-Arial icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Bootstrap-3-Axure-7-Template-Library-Arial copied to clipboard

A Bootstrap 3 library for Axure 7. Widgets are designed with interactive states in mind. Includes a widget style library that corresponds to Bootstrap component classes.

#Bootstrap3 Template Library for Axure7 ###ARIAL VERSION

A Bootstrap 3 library for Axure 7. Widgets reflect the interactive behaviors of the original bootstrap components. Includes a widget style library that corresponds to component classes, apply them using the Base Style dropdown in the widget style panel.

Browse the contents of this widget library here.

This is the ARIAL version. The Helvetica Neue version is available here:

####Tips #####Making sure your project exports with the bootstrap fontstack

  1. Add a new font mapping setting.
  2. Set source font to "Helvetica Neue" or "Arial", depending on what font you used in your project.
  3. Set destination "Font family" to "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif.

#####Use Widget Styles Library Many of the CSS classes are reflected in the Widget Styles library. You can format bodies of text or widgets with them. Apply widget styles by using the Base Style dropdown in the widget style panel.

To check out the widget styles' settings, use the widget style editor.

####Work-in-Progress: What's in the next version?

  • More widgets in the "Clichéd combos" section — common form elements (Eg. Sign-in, On-boarding forms.)
  • Carousel

#####Next-next version

  • Sliders, tables and whatever other bibitybopityboos.

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