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LineCartesianLayer.PointProvider bug on multiple line series with custom Shape
How to reproduce
- Create custom LineCartesianLayer.PointProvider
- Create custom Shape
- Create a CartesianChartHost
- Add 2 Line series
- Add custom point providers
- See result
val Diamond: Shape =
object : Shape {
override fun draw(
context: DrawContext,
paint: Paint,
path: Path,
left: Float,
top: Float,
right: Float,
bottom: Float,
) {
val matrix = Matrix()
val bounds = RectF()
path.moveTo(left, top)
path.lineTo(right, top)
path.lineTo(right, bottom)
path.lineTo(left, bottom)
path.computeBounds(bounds, true)
matrix.postRotate(45f, bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY())
context.canvas.drawPath(path, paint)
"Use `draw`.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("draw(context, paint, path, left, top, right, bottom)"),
override fun drawShape(
context: DrawContext,
paint: Paint,
path: Path,
left: Float,
top: Float,
right: Float,
bottom: Float,
) {
draw(context, paint, path, left, top, right, bottom)
val LevelSuperHighAlert = Color(0xFF7C0818)
val LevelVeryHighOrLowAlert = Color(0xFFAA182C)
val LevelHighAlert = Color(0xFFEBAB21)
val LevelElevatedAlert = Color(0xFFF0D800)
val LevelNormalAlert = Color(0xFFF0D800)
val SecondaryBlueGray = Color(0xFF6A88AF)
class CustomPointProvider(private val userDB: UserDB?, val isSystolic: Boolean = false) : LineCartesianLayer.PointProvider {
private var point: Point? = null
override fun getPoint(
entry: LineCartesianLayerModel.Entry,
seriesIndex: Int,
extraStore: ExtraStore
): LineCartesianLayer.Point? {
point = Point(getGraphShape(entry.y), sizeDp = 10f)
return point
override fun getLargestPoint(extraStore: ExtraStore): Point? {
return point
private fun getGraphShape(value: Double): ShapeComponent {
val useCorrectShape = if (isSystolic) Shape.Pill else Diamond
val useCorrectColor = getColorForShape(value)
return ShapeComponent(
shape = useCorrectShape,
color = useCorrectColor.toArgb(),
strokeColor = OchsnerDarkBlue.toArgb(),
strokeThicknessDp = 0.5f
private fun getColorForShape(value: Double): Color {
val correctColor: Color = when (userDB?.getProgramsActive()) {
1 -> {
if (isSystolic) {
when (value) {
in 0.0..139.9 -> LevelNormalAlert
in 140.0..159.9 -> LevelElevatedAlert
in 160.0..999.9 -> LevelSuperHighAlert
else -> SecondaryBlueGray
} else {
when (value) {
in 0.0..89.0 -> LevelNormalAlert
in 90.0..104.9 -> LevelElevatedAlert
in 105.0..999.9 -> LevelSuperHighAlert
else -> SecondaryBlueGray
else -> {
if (userDB?.bloodPressureGoal == "140/90") {
if (isSystolic) {
when (value) {
in 0.0..89.9 -> LevelVeryHighOrLowAlert
in 90.0..129.9 -> LevelNormalAlert
in 130.0..139.9 -> LevelElevatedAlert
in 140.0..179.9 -> LevelHighAlert
in 180.0..999.9 -> LevelVeryHighOrLowAlert
else -> SecondaryBlueGray
} else {
when (value) {
in 0.0..39.9 -> LevelVeryHighOrLowAlert
in 40.0..79.9 -> LevelNormalAlert
in 80.0..89.9 -> LevelElevatedAlert
in 90.0..119.9 -> LevelHighAlert
in 120.0..999.9 -> LevelVeryHighOrLowAlert
else -> SecondaryBlueGray
} else {
if (isSystolic) {
when (value) {
in 0.0..89.9 -> LevelVeryHighOrLowAlert
in 90.0..119.9 -> LevelNormalAlert
in 120.0..129.9 -> LevelElevatedAlert
in 130.0..139.9 -> LevelHighAlert
in 140.0..179.9 -> LevelVeryHighOrLowAlert
in 180.0..999.9 -> LevelSuperHighAlert
else -> SecondaryBlueGray
} else {
when (value) {
in 0.0..39.0 -> LevelVeryHighOrLowAlert
in 40.0..79.9 -> LevelNormalAlert
in 80.0..89.9 -> LevelHighAlert
in 90.0..119.9 -> LevelVeryHighOrLowAlert
in 120.0..999.9 -> LevelSuperHighAlert
else -> SecondaryBlueGray
return correctColor
val emptyFormatter = remember {
CartesianValueFormatter { _, _, _ -> "" }
val axisValueOverrider = remember {
minY = 50.0,
maxY = 200.0,
val verticalBox =
remember(chartState.xValuesTransformed) {
totalDaysBetweenDates = chartState.totalDaysBetweenDates,
daysSinceStartDateToTarget = chartState.daysSinceStartDateToTarget,
box = ShapeComponent(
color = BlueGray20.toArgb().copyColor(0.36f),
shape = Shape.Rectangle
val systolicPointProvider = remember(chartState.xValuesTransformed) {
CustomPointProvider(userDB = chartState.currentUser, isSystolic = true)
val diastolicPointProvider = remember(chartState.xValuesTransformed) {
CustomPointProvider(userDB = chartState.currentUser, isSystolic = false)
LaunchedEffect(chartState.xValuesTransformed) {
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
if (sysList.isEmpty()) return@withContext
if (chartState.systolicGoal == "" || chartState.diastolicGoal == "") return@withContext
if (chartState.systolicGoal.toDoubleOrNull() == null || chartState.diastolicGoal.toDoubleOrNull() == null) return@withContext
if (chartState.xValuesTransformed.isEmpty()) return@withContext
modelProducer.runTransaction {
extras { extraStore ->
extraStore[sysLabelTop] = chartState.systolicGoal
extraStore[sysLimitKey] = chartState.systolicGoal.toDoubleOrNull() ?: 140.0
extraStore[diaLabelTop] = chartState.diastolicGoal
extraStore[diaLimitKey] = chartState.diastolicGoal.toDoubleOrNull() ?: 90.0
extraStore[xToDateMapKey] = chartState.xValuesTransformed
lineSeries {
chart = rememberCartesianChart(
axisValueOverrider = axisValueOverrider,
lineProvider = LineCartesianLayer.LineProvider.series(
fill = LineCartesianLayer.LineFill.single(fill(BlueGray20)),
pointProvider = systolicPointProvider
fill = LineCartesianLayer.LineFill.single(fill(BlueGray20)),
pointProvider = diastolicPointProvider
endAxis = rememberEndAxis(
valueFormatter = emptyFormatter
topAxis = rememberTopAxis(
valueFormatter = emptyFormatter
startAxis = rememberStartAxis(
label = rememberTextComponent(
color = OchsnerDarkBlue,
typeface = AppTheme.GraphAxisLabel.toGraphicsTypeFace(),
bottomAxis = rememberBottomAxis(
valueFormatter = chartValueFormatter,
label = rememberTextComponent(
color = OchsnerDarkBlue,
typeface = AppTheme.GraphAxisLabel.toGraphicsTypeFace(),
lineCount = 3,
textSize = 10.sp
itemPlacer =
remember {
spacing = 1,
shiftExtremeTicks = false,
addExtremeLabelPadding = false
getXStep = { 1.0 },
decorations = listOf(
y = { it.getOrNull(sysLimitKey) ?: 0.0 },
line = rememberLineComponent(
color = OchLightBlue,
thickness = 1.5.dp,
labelComponent = rememberTextComponent(
color = OchLightBlue,
margins = Dimensions.of(start = 4.dp),
padding = Dimensions.of(8.dp, 2.dp),
label = { it[sysLabelTop] },
verticalLabelPosition = VerticalPosition.Top,
horizontalLabelPosition = HorizontalPosition.End,
y = { it[diaLimitKey] },
line = rememberLineComponent(
color = OchLightBlue,
thickness = 1.5.dp,
labelComponent = rememberTextComponent(
color = OchLightBlue,
margins = Dimensions.of(start = 4.dp),
padding = Dimensions.of(8.dp, 2.dp),
label = { it[diaLabelTop] },
verticalLabelPosition = VerticalPosition.Top,
horizontalLabelPosition = HorizontalPosition.End,
modifier = Modifier
.padding(bottom = 16.dp),
zoomState = rememberVicoZoomState(zoomEnabled = false),
Observed behavior
As you can see in the image, there's an overlap between a ghost Shape.Rectangle
and my custom Shape.
Expected behavior
This resolves with changing from custom Diamond Shape to Shape.Rectangle
on the LineCartesianLayer.PointProvider
Vico version(s)
Android version(s)
API 34
Additional information
No response