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Open source software to calculate your road running race, trail, ultra trail or trek.
Course Generator
Course Generator is a software which can estimate your time in road running races, trails, ultra trails or treks.
Status : Version 4.6 (stable)
I created Course Generator in 2008 for my first 100 km ultra trail. Since then, I added a lot of features and it has been used by a lot of french ultra-runner. Up to the version 3.88 it has been written in C# and now java is used in order to be cross platform (Windows, Mac OS and Linux) and multilingual.
Course Generator is free (donation are welcome ;) ), multi platform (Windows, Mac and Linux), multi-language (currently English and French) and open source under GPL V3.
In order to works, Course Generator (also called CG) need a GPS file (GPX file) and some extra informations.
With Course Generator you can :
- Estimate your time at each point of the track.
- Set field type (the difficulty to the track: road, trail...) at each point of the track
- Set your fatigue coefficient and how it will evolve during the race
- Set the refueling time (to eat, to drink, to sleep...)
- Set the cut-off time on points of the track. CG will give you give an alert if you are late
- Set the recovery coefficient after a rest
- Set a name and a comment for each position of the track
- Take into account the effect of the night during
- Take into account the effect of the altitude (over 1500m)
- See your track on an OpenStreetMap map
- Generate a mini road book where you will see the track profile and all the most important information of your race (position name, time, hour, altitude, elevation gain...)
- Get statistics of your race
- Analyze a race
- Invert the track direction
- Define a new start point for a "looping track"
- Insert a track at the beginning or the end of another track
- Extract a part of the track
- Save all your specific settings in a CGX file (a Course Generator specific format)
- Have offline maps (OpenStreetMap)
- Use Metric or Imperial measure
- Display the speed as speed or pace
How to run Course Generator - WINDOWS (with installer)
- You need a version 8 (minimum) of the java runtime environment (JRE)
- Download the latest version ('exe' file) from the Release section
- Execute the installer
- Execute "course_generator"
- The first time you execute the program it will ask you if you want to install the standard curves. Answer "yes"
- That's all. Enjoy ;)
How to run Course Generator - WINDOWS (portable)
- You need a version 8 (minimum) of the java runtime environment (JRE)
- Download the latest version ('zip' file) from the Release section
- Unzip all the files in a folder
- Execute "course_generator"
- The first time you execute the program it will ask you if you want to install the standard curves. Answer "yes"
- That's all. Enjoy ;)
How to run Course Generator - LINUX
- You need a version 8 (minimum) of the java runtime environment (JRE)
- Download the latest version from the Release section
- Uncompress the archive in a directory (where you want)
- Give the execution right to ""
- Execute ""
- The first time you execute the program it will ask you if you want to install the standard curves. Answer "yes"
- That's all. Enjoy ;)
Note : Curves, log and tiles are store in "~/.course_generator".
How to run Course Generator - MacOS
I have no MacOS system but the installation is probably the same as LINUX.
Note : User curves, log and tiles are stored in "~/.course_generator".
Some screenshoots
Mini roadbook - Simple view
Mini roadbook - Road/track view
Mini roadbook - Slope view
Curves editor