Patrik Schmuck
Patrik Schmuck
Closed - inactive
Hello lantianran Actually, loop closures between multiple agents are continuously detected in CCM-SLAM. I think there might be some ambiguity regarding the used terminology: When two separate maps _M0_ and...
This is the 7DoF Sim(3) transform type provided by g2o (Rot, Trans, Scale). `g2oS_c_wc` means the Sim(3) transform from the world coordinate frame of the client into it's camera coordinate...
Closed - inactive
Yes, the static transform publisher is only for visualization purposes. When maps are merged, some of the transforms might not be used anymore, but that's not a problem.
This file most have slipped the refactoring efforts - it is some deprecated piece of code from earlier stages of development. Please ignore it, we will also remove it in...
Removed via b2b5d6e2700869133e3d9f34119d7a5da91d758c
Closed - resolved
Hi, there is unfortunately currently no version of CCM-SLAM implemented that supports to use more than 4 agents. However, the choice of max. 4 agents is only an implementation choice,...
Closing - inactive