hide-discord-sidebar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hide-discord-sidebar copied to clipboard

Chrome and Firefox extension to hide Discord servers and channels

Results 4 hide-discord-sidebar issues
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I really want to minimize the size of the server icons or have the option to hide the panel, but I cannot find any plug in that does this. Can...

Hello In Firefox, the 'Autohide only when window is small' functionality does not work, **unless** I hit the plugin's button at the search bar. Then it gets updated and hides...

Hello! When I open a thread in Split mode, the button to close this thread is covered by the "Hide Servers" button (see below). ![image](https://github.com/patrickxchong/hide-discord-sidebar/assets/71895868/6ef6b028-d30c-4efe-9121-570e0082c572) Is there any way to...

i can't manually hide the sidebar, it always automatically closes it, i want it to only close when i want it to. i am using firefox