[Trello]( ## What - Replace Uglifier with Terser, add patch which adds Sprockets support for Terser - Update how JS modules are initialised in-line with changes in govuk-frontend and govuk_publishing_components...
[Trello]( ## What - Replace Uglifier with Terser, add patch which adds Sprockets support for Terser - Update how JS modules are initialised in-line with changes in govuk-frontend and govuk_publishing_components...
## What Use new gem_layout_full_width_browse template for Browse pages. Remove blue bar from browse_breadcrumbs partial. ## Why There are instances of pages on collections that have a coloured background in...
[Trello]( ## What - Replace Uglifier with Terser, add patch which adds Sprockets support for Terser - Update how JS modules are initialised in-line with changes in govuk-frontend and govuk_publishing_components...
[Trello]( - use terser - bump govuk_publishing_components - move to sep file - Remove deprecated SCSS variables --- ## Search page examples to sanity check: - https://[HEROKU-APP-ID] - https://[HEROKU-APP-ID] -...
[Trello]( ## What - Replace Uglifier with Terser, add patch which adds Sprockets support for Terser - Move components that rely on govuk-frontend modules to separate `es6-components.js` file ## Why...
## What Remove `ecommerce` field from `site-search` GA4 events. Add new `ecommerce` events that are fired upon `site-search` events also firing. ## Why In light of changes made in GA4,...
## What New method for checking if component has already been initialised based on the value of a data attribute on the `module` of the component instance. Based on the...
## What We need to determine if the current behaviour of `createAll` is correct as it stands (and update the documentation) or if we need to change it to take...
## What - Remove content about call for speakers for Day 3 of Design System Day 2024 - Add content about hackathon and ticket release ## Why As part of...