ocp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ocp copied to clipboard

Smart cache preloader for websites with XML sitemaps

Optimus Cache Prime (OCP) is a smart cache preloader for websites with XML sitemaps. It crawls all URLs in a given sitemap so the web server builds cached versions of the pages before visitors or search engine spiders arrive.

Since Google began penalizing websites with long response times in their rankings, serving all of your pages quickly has become more important than ever. Optimus Cache Prime helps you do that by making sure your cache--be it an in-memory cache like memcached or APC, or a flat file cache like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache--is primed so random requests are served lightning fast.

== Installation

Download OCP from http://patrickmylund.com/projects/ocp/

If you have Go installed, you can run: go get github.com/pmylund/ocp (an ocp binary will be added to your GOPATH/bin folder)

Note: You do not need to have Go installed to run the stand-alone version.

== Usage

./ocp http://mysite.com/sitemap.xml

Run ocp without any arguments for details.

See http://patrickmylund.com/projects/ocp/ for more information.