Accord icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Accord copied to clipboard

A C# Discord bot with moderation, XP/guild participation and utilities


Accord Logo

Reach accord, prevent discord, on Discord.

A C# .NET 8 Discord bot with moderation, XP/guild participation and utilities aimed at all users within a guild. This is not a hosted bot, it is intended to be self hosted.

How do I contribute

Accord is actively developed with both Rider and Visual Studio 2022. It is recommended you use either IDE for a positive experience. However, Accord is built entirely on .NET 8 and therefore works anywhere dotnet build can be executed.

You can grab an unassigned issue and comment on it to indicate your interest on championing it. Alternatively, if you have a suggestion for a new feature and want to champion this, create a new issue and it can be discussed in the repository.

Development ethos

Keep things short, simple and maintainable. No pointless abstractions or complicated chains. Move fast, break and innovate. This is a Discord bot first and foremost and it strives for simplicity.

What you'll need

  • Latest .NET 8 SDK
  • Postgres (Docker image available)
  • Discord Bot account

How to get Accord running in development

  • Set up a bot account on the Discord developer portal
    • Ensure you have the following priviledged gateway intents enabled:
      • Presence Intent
      • Server Members Intent
  • Clone/fork the repository from main branch
  • Get the Id of the Discord Guild you will be testing the bot in, for the purposes of Slash command updating
  • Get your bot token from the Discord developer portal
  • Set up configurations for development, using user-secrets
    • dotnet user-secrets set Discord:ClientId CLIENT_ID
    • dotnet user-secrets set Discord:ClientSecret CLIENT_SECRET
    • dotnet user-secrets set Discord:GuildId GUILD_ID
    • dotnet user-secrets set Discord:BotToken BOT_TOKEN
  • Optionally use the dev.docker-compose.yml file to get a local Postgres and pgadmin instance for development

By default the bot will look for a Postgres instance running on localhost. If your instance is not on localhost or has an otherwise differing connection string, set the ConnectionStrings:Database secret.

If you want to disable the Discord bot instance, for any reason, you can override Discord:DisableBot to true, which will only run the hosting ASP.NET Core project, skipping bot initialisation. Do note that several parts of the frontend require the bot to have a connection established.

Invite your bot

(Change your client Id to that of your application's)

This ensures the bot has the minimum required permissions and can manage Slash commands on the guild.

Start the bot. This will apply migrations automatically via Entity Framework.

How to self host

You can build from source or host via the published Docker image. An example docker-compose.yml is below.

version: '3.1'

    image: postgres
    restart: always
      - '5432:5432'

      - postgres
    restart: always
      ConnectionStrings__Database: ${CONNECTIONSTRINGS_DATABASE}
      Discord__ClientSecret: ${DISCORD_CLIENTID}
      Discord__ClientId: ${DISCORD_CLIENTID}
      Discord__GuildId: ${DISCORD_GUILDID}
      Discord__BotToken: ${DISCORD_BOTTOKEN}
      - '80:80'
      - '443:443'


  • Postgres
  • Web host for ASP.NET Core

Set environment variables for ConnectionStrings:Database, Discord:GuildId, Discord:BotToken, Discord:ClientId, Discord:ClientSecret.

This bot is intended for single-guild usage.


Notable dependencies for this project include: