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Running action doesn't bump provider versions in modules

Open tobiasehlert opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

I don't really get, why the providers aren't updated in my modules.

This is basically how my action is looking:

name: Update terraform dependencies
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/[email protected]
      - uses: patrickjahns/dependabot-terraform-action@v1
          target_branch: master
          token: ${{ secrets.PAT_TOKEN }}
          directory: |

The output of the action is this:

  - Checking /modules/gcp_folder ...
  - Parsing dependencies information
  - Checking /modules/gcp_iam_role ...
  - Parsing dependencies information
  - Checking /modules/gcp_log_sink ...
  - Parsing dependencies information
  - Done

There is nothing happening when it's completed and there is no PR created. The output doesn't state anything either.. so hot can I see if it's failing or is it possible to get a more detailed information when running like "found version XX". I've added different versions in the providers so it should have triggered on some..

tobiasehlert avatar May 25 '21 09:05 tobiasehlert