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scheme interpreter in javascript with stack-friendly tail calls and full call/cc


This file is part of NCONC.

NCONC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

NCONC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License along with NCONC. See the files COPYING.LESSER and COPYING. If these files are not present, see


Copyright (C) 2011 Patrick Logan

Distributed under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3.

in this distribution for license information.

See also


patrickdlogan uses gmail


NCONC is an implementation of Scheme (a dialect of Lisp) written in Javascript.

  • Usage ** Include the nconc.js script and dependencies. ** Read scheme expressions from javascript: _.schemeRead("...") ** Evaluate scheme expressions from javascript: var sexpr = _.schemeRead("((lambda (x) (- x)) -7)"); var value = _.schemeEval(sexpr); // => value is 7.

Generate the parser:

This can be done within a javascript script, from the online pegjs grammer generator, or from a shell.

From a shell:



From a shell:

"public/scripts/" will run the qunit tests using phantomjs once.

"public/scripts/" will run the qunit tests when any file in public/ is saved. This uses inotifywait in a loop.

"lein run" will start a server. Goto http://localhost:8383/nconc-test.html to run the qunit tests. This is useful, for example, running in FF or Chrome to see exceptions and/or to use their dev tools.

A browser is needed to test long-running code. phantomjs currently has a problem.

  • TODO ** dynamic-wind ** Fluids ** Multi-processing with trampolines ** Other stuff with trampolines ** Expansion Passing Style macros (stepper, tracer, debugger, etc.) ** List (and array) comprehension macro(s). ** Timer-based execution of the trampoline. ** Printing ** User Interface (read-eval-print loop) *** Influences: CLIM, Don't Fidget With Widgets, Xeel *** Declarative UI code with fluids and pub/sub ** More of everything (standard library).

  • INCLUDED DEPENDENCIES: ** jquery - not used much except to run qunit in the browser. ** qunit - the unit tests are written in qunit. ** underscore.js - run-time library for collections, etc.

  • Separate Dependencies:

** clojure's lein build tool - currently used just to run qunit tests and serve the files via http. *** lein is installed from a shell script and all other dependencies from there. *** download the lein shell script, make it executable, and located on the PATH. *** run "lein self-install" *** at the top-level directory for nconc, run "lein deps" *** from the same location, run "lein run" *** goto http://localhost:8383/nconc-test.html and the tests should have been successful. ** phantomjs - used to run the qunit tests from a shell using a "headless" webkit. *** requires qt 4.7 or greater and libqtwebkit4 *** install build-essential *** install libqtwebkit4 *** install qt4-qmake *** install libqt4-dev *** make sure phantomjs is located on the PATH *** from the top-level for nconc, run "public/scripts/" *** there should be no output when the tests are successful

** PEG.js - used to build the parser. a pre-built parser is included for the current grammar at runtime. ** the parser can be generated online at ** or it can be generated from the shell but nodejs and jake are required.