Results 16 comments of Patrick Brosi

I agree. However, `pfaedle` simplifies the input OSM graph and any 1:1 mapping between edges and OSM ways is lost. I will think about skipping these simplifications and storing the...

This has been on the TODO list for some time now, as it was one of the first questions after the presentation of pfaedle at the 2018 SIGSPATIAL. At the...

There are some minor bugs in the warning outputs (-W) that I would like to fix before a new minor version. On 2021.07.22 09:30, Christophe Blin wrote: > Because of...

Do the pathway.txt columns have any non-default values? gtfstidy drops any column that is completely empty or only filled with the GTFS default values :)

Hm, but only `pathway_id`, `from_stop_id`, `to_stop_id`, `pathway_mode` and `is_bidirectional` are [required values]( for `pathways.txt`, the others are optional, so IMHO this should be fixed in the validator.

Took a bit longer than expected, but filtering XML files without specifying a GTFS input feed should work as expected now.