Patrick Ziegler

Results 306 comments of Patrick Ziegler

@jdormit If you run `xdo raise -n polybar` does polybar also appear again? I suspect that there is just something above the polybar that is blocking you from seeing it...

There is already a new `interface-type` setting coming in the next release, where you can select either `wired` or `wireless`. Would that address your use-case?

It will choose the first one it finds. If you have multiple wired interfaces, your glob `en*` will probably match all of them as well.

Yeah, globs or regexes are definitely more flexible. If anyone wants to implement this, PRs are welcome. Make sure to also comment here, so that we know you are working...

I think we're getting close to the limits of what we can do with our config syntax (at least in a clean way). It would be so much easier, if...

@Addisonbean `%{R#aaaaaa}` and `%{R-}` are not valid tags. The `%{R}` tag does not take a color, it just switches the current background and foreground color. But it shouldn't reset any...

I came across this today again and I think we also need to address the issue where the user adds reset tags themselves. For example: ```dosini label = Foo %{F#ff0000}...

The `i3` module has the `label-visible` parameter which, I think, is exactly for this. bspwm doesn't seem to expose this information over its socket (it doesn't tell you which workspace...

Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines as well