Patrick Kidger

Results 107 issues of Patrick Kidger

Right now the `bind` command has [its own sublanguage]( In particular this has a way to swap the start and end of the selection, with `swap-selection-start-stop`. It'd be great if...

Hey @paganpasta! I often point people at Eqxvision, as it's a great model zoo. (And one that you've clearly put a lot of work into.) I was curious if this...

Super cool to see this project get off the ground! I just thought I'd give you a heads-up if you're using my doc-building stack, that the `mkdocs` command needs running...


`uv` doesn't seem to support local git dependencies: e.g. ``` foo_lib==git+file://../foo_lib#egg=foo_lib-3.1.4 ``` It'd be awesome if this was supported, as we have cases in which multiple libraries all sit...


### Description ```python import jax import jax.numpy as jnp def run(some_tracer): def f(x, y): return x + y g = lambda x: f(x, some_tracer) jaxpr = jax.make_jaxpr(g)(1) jax.core.eval_jaxpr(jaxpr.jaxpr, jaxpr.consts, 1)...


### Description This: ```python import jax @jax.jit def brk(): jax.debug.breakpoint() def fn(): x0 = jax.numpy.zeros(2) brk() jax.eval_shape(fn) fn() ``` produces: ``` jax.errors.UnexpectedTracerError: Encountered an unexpected tracer. A function transformed by...


This existed just to allow for `jnp.zeros{,_like}` to produce Zeros even though none of its inputs were. However we have now removed that as "too magic" (#3), so means that...

This is from some discussion in #2. The existing approach is a little bit magic. This also means that we can probably remove dynamic tracing.

First the use case: I find it pretty common to want to leave my cursor in a particular spot whilst writing some code, then scroll through the rest of the...


Sometimes we detect that the output was `NaN`, and fail the linear solve. Under these circumstances we should check whether the input had any `NaN`s as well -- indicating that...
