ofxStreetView copied to clipboard
Quality drop after error
I am making repeated fast requests of new locations and eventually I will get this error
Request_url: http://cbk0.google.com/cbk?output=xml&ll=53.4113,-6.84177&dm=1 [ error ] ofxXmlSettings: pushTag(): tag "annotation_properties" not found Status: 200
It happens on different locations as well. After this error I can only get very low resolution images. The connection speed does not change.
This is not an official API, and google usually don't like the scrapping of their data... they probably are blocking your request : )
That makes sense, but I managed to do something very hacky and fix it, maybe it is another issue. When I get the error I run these two new methods then everything stays high quality.
void ofxStreetView::deconstruct(){
bRegister = false;
void ofxStreetView::construct(){
maxDistance = 200;
bRegister = false;
bTexture = true;
mapWidth = 512;
mapHeight = 256;
num_zoom_levels = 3;
zoom = 3;
wow cool! So probably is not that? In any case. If is working for you do you mind making a PR?
Sure, will do, I want to check if the "annotation_properties" not found is a symptom or cause of the error, and clean up the method for checking it. Once I am done Ill make a PR.
@fred-dev Where did you add these calls to catch the error?
Normally response.data
contains something like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><panorama><data_properties image_width="13312" image_height="6656" ...
But sometimes it's just
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><panorama/>
which leads to the error:
[ error ] ofxXmlSettings: pushTag(): tag "annotation_properties" not found
I tried random locations until I got the error, then I ran the script multiple times with that location and I received the same error every time, leading me to think there is no depth data at that specific location which will always result in an error.
A good point to check for problems could be when retrieving depth_map_base64
but I'm not completely sure what would be a logical next step: stop getting the data and set some flag?
depth_map_base64 = XML.getValue("panorama:model:depth_map", "");
hasData = true;
if(depth_map_base64 == ""){
hasData = false;
// check for data before drawing?
if (streetview.hasData){
I never made a neat solution, I called construct and deconstruct every time I wanted to load a new sphere and it kept the resolution high.