Patrick Tsai
Patrick Tsai
You need the dynamic library (.so), something like ``. You're using the static library `/usr/local/lib/libpython3.6m.a`
I was using ES6 modules and after a lot of searching found that `` was called `import.meta.webpackHot`. So I added this to my entry file and I didn't get the...
@chenyuxyz this is close to what I was imagining for the implementation. I mark a tensor as eligible for this embedding optimization, then in order to get it to the...
it seems that reducing >= 32768 items leads to multi-kernel reduction, to be investigated
What I could try is mark a CMPEQ as one-hot and go from there
@chenyuxyz ok - I tried marking cmpeq and it was basically the same as marking embedding - so I marked arange bufs which I think is the minimum required, you...
The code beforehand is something like ``` for (loop) { int val1 = *(data2+loop); float val2 = *(data3 + some other value including loop)` acc0 = (idx==val1)*val2+acc0; } ``` If...
after discussion, the more general/desired approach is a combo of: 1. Variable holding a tensor value so the embedding indices can be used in shrink 2. Tensor.stack optimization so the...
The option right now only supports a global setting, so you can't do this. You can modify the code to fit your purposes though: This will probably need to...
Not natively, but for now you can get the checkbox element and click it/fire the change event