Extendible-BBCode-Parser copied to clipboard
Return html as is
Hello, hoping im missing something simple here as this library is exactly what I was looking for.
So I have a "contentedable=true" div. This is a somewhat of a wysiwyg editor. When I want to preview, I cant just send text..as they have added various html tags. SO i pass it the html.. however it looks like this returns the html < > as encoded. Is there by chance an undocumented flag to have it not do this?
To give an exmaple: if I pass
temp = XBBCODE.process({ text: "<p>[b]hello im bold[/b]</p>", });
I get returned
"<p><span class="xbbcode-b">hello im bold</span></p>"
I would expect to get returned
"<p><span class="xbbcode-b">hello im bold</span></p>"
on further reading, i see that it may be by design to prevent XSS, but as this is not an issue in this use case, a flag would be fantastic {work around is of course to regex back all the <'s and such from their decoded forms, which is what im doing to hold me over}
It's been a long time since I've used this project, I'm pretty sure that was done for XSS reasons like you said. It looks like the "process" function would just need to take a flag and if it was true, ignore lines 740 and 741. If I get a chance, I'll try and take a look at this tonight.