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Typescript generation for pocketbase records
Pocketbase Typegen
Generate typescript definitions from your pocketbase.io schema.
npx pocketbase-typegen --db ./pb_data/data.db --out pocketbase-types.ts
This will produce types for all your PocketBase collections to use in your frontend typescript codebase.
When using PocketBase > v0.8.x, use pocketbase-typegen
Users of PocketBase < v0.7.x should use pocketbase-typegen
-V, --version output the version number
-d, --db <char> path to the pocketbase SQLite database
-j, --json <char> path to JSON schema exported from pocketbase admin UI
-u, --url <char> URL to your hosted pocketbase instance. When using this options you must also provide email and password options.
-e, --email <char> email for an admin pocketbase user. Use this with the --url option
-p, --password <char> password for an admin pocketbase user. Use this with the --url option
-o, --out <char> path to save the typescript output file (default: "pocketbase-types.ts")
--no-sdk remove the pocketbase package dependency. A typed version of the SDK will not be generated.
-e, --env [path] flag to use environment variables for configuration. Add PB_TYPEGEN_URL, PB_TYPEGEN_EMAIL, PB_TYPEGEN_PASSWORD to your .env file. Optionally provide a path to your .env file
-h, --help display help for command
DB example:
npx pocketbase-typegen --db ./pb_data/data.db
JSON example (export JSON schema from the pocketbase admin dashboard):
npx pocketbase-typegen --json ./pb_schema.json
URL example:
npx pocketbase-typegen --url https://myproject.pockethost.io --email [email protected] --password 'secr3tp@ssword!'
ENV example (add PB_TYPEGEN_URL, PB_TYPEGEN_EMAIL and PB_TYPEGEN_PASSWORD to your .env file):
npx pocketbase-typegen --env
[email protected]
Add it to your projects package.json
"scripts": {
"typegen": "pocketbase-typegen --db ./pb_data/data.db",
Example Output
The output is a typescript file pocketbase-types.ts
(example) which will contain:
An enum of all collections. -
One type for each collection (eg ProfilesRecord). -
One response type for each collection (eg ProfilesResponse) which includes system fields. This is what is returned from the PocketBase API.-
If the collection contains a select field with set values, an enum of the options will be generated.
A type mapping each collection name to the record type. -
A type mapping each collection name to the response type. -
A type for usage with type asserted PocketBase instance.
Example Usage
Using PocketBase SDK v0.18.3+, collections can be automatically typed using the generated TypedPocketBase
import { TypedPocketBase } from "./pocketbase-types"
const pb = new PocketBase('') as TypedPocketBase
await pb.collection('tasks').getOne("RECORD_ID") // -> results in TaskResponse
await pb.collection('posts').getOne("RECORD_ID") // -> results in PostResponse
Alternatively, you can use generic types for each request, eg:
import { Collections, TasksResponse } from "./pocketbase-types"
await pb.collection(Collections.Tasks).getOne<TasksResponse>("RECORD_ID") // -> results in TaskResponse
Example Advanced Usage
You can provide types for JSON fields and expanded relations by passing generic arguments to the Response types:
import { Collections, CommentsResponse, UserResponse } from "./pocketbase-types"
type CommentsRecord<Tmetadata = unknown> = {
text: string
metadata: null | Tmetadata // This is a json field
user: RecordIdString // This is a relation field
type Tmetadata = {
likes: number
type Texpand = {
user: UsersResponse
const result = await pb
.getOne<CommentsResponse<Tmetadata, Texpand>>("RECORD_ID", { expand: "user" })
// Now you can access the expanded relation with type safety and hints in your IDE