Patrick Hobusch
Patrick Hobusch
Before, it was like this: ``` - name: Build and Push uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: file: Dockerfile platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64 push: true tags: |${{ github.repository }}:${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }} cache-from: type=gha cache-to:...
Btw. it would also be possible to rename the `Dockerfile.debian` to `Dockerfile.debian-stable-slim` to keep the old image name.
@mumoshu @yxxhero I've adjusted it now and renamed the file
@yxxhero Overlooked something, now it should work
I find this "stable-slim" very uncommon, especially because it's a package (image) name. Usually this kind of stuff is handled via tags.
@mumoshu I agree with you too, that would be a nice solution at the end and a task for another issue / discussion.
This is the wanted behaviour. If the LED would need a current of 20 mA for full brightness and you would connect the anode of the LED to the GPIO,...
Please, do not use a different pin mapping again (if it is not too late already). This can be really confusing...
Hi @kokolight , as the message says: `err: no releases found that matches specified selector() and environment(qa), in any helmfile` There is no environment `qa` in your redis helmfile. You...
Hi @mumoshu, Hi @MurzNN I would like to add my question here, I hope that's fine. Is this also possible with environment values? Can I use Go templating and the...