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Crop Yield Prediction Web App Built using Sklearn and Laravel Web Framework

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About Kisanmitra

Kisan is a machine learning based web application with expressive, elegant visualization of yield predictions. We believe development of a country is possible only with the technical advancement of farmers, an educated farmer can do way better than a experienced uneducated one, because he can use modern technology to make proper planning about his/her future. using kisanmitra , one can predict the crop yield for next 5 year.

kisanmitra is accessible, yet powerful tools needed for crop yeild production. A superb combination of simplicity, elegance, and innovation give you tools you need to properly regulate your farming strategies according to environment and market.

technology used

Running project/Contributing

You are welcome to contribute to this project, Thank you for considering contributing for the greater good for farmers!


  • you must to have composer installed
  • fork or clone project
  • run npm install - for installing JS dependencies
  • run composer install - for Installing Laravel dependencies
  • run cp .env.example .env - copy .env.example and create .env file
  • run php artisan key:generate
  • run php artisan serve , this will serve project at localhost:8000
  • that's it happy coding..

Please start this project if you like.


Automatic deployment is enabled to HerokuApp from master.


If you discover a vulnerability within kisanmitra, please send an e-mail to Ashish Patel at [email protected]. All vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


Built using Jetbrains Products Jetbrains


kisanmitra is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.