Konstantin Pastbin
Konstantin Pastbin
Looks good at a first glance! However I'm not sure whether its a good idea to add an OSM profile link into the pop-up menu. It makes sense to put...
I've tested the change and it looks good to me! (except the OSM profile link in the main menu pop-up) Basically it removes an intermediate dialog screen which doesn't have...
And maybe change the `
I couldn't test how it looks after the login, 'cause the OSM auth seems to be broken again? (doesn't work for me off the current master too). @biodranik
> Если запустить скрипт на текущих данных в таком виде, сколько он накачает гигабайт статей? I have no means to check it, sorry. It should be possible to estimate by...
Some examples of map size inflation: Paris - from 18MB to 65MB Moscow - from 51MB to 92MB Buenos-Aires - from 39MB to 70MB Mexico City - 148MB to 180MB...
Причём как доп. признак популярности фич можно и без офф-лайн статей использовать. Достаточно наличия тега `wikipedia=`
> > Причём как доп. признак популярности фич можно и без офф-лайн статей использовать. Достаточно наличия тега `wikipedia=` > > Объём статьи тоже вполне себе признак. Правда, фильтрация секций тут...
I suggest we download full articles for all maps languages first and after that run some experiments/comparisons to determine the best approach. (Note: we need to save intermediate wiki url...
> What about separation of map data and wiki (separately for each language), and downloading by user map data + wiki for current OM language only? Its a separate and...