fresh icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fresh copied to clipboard

Fresh is a Qt extension library. It provide many useful classes / widgets.

Fresh is a library extending the Qt library by adding new classes/widgets. It's developped by Filipe Azevedo (Nox P@sNox, [email protected]) The library had python bindings created by Andrei KOPATS (hlamer, [email protected]), see python-bindings branch. The python bindings are discontinued it's why they have been moved to the python-bindings branch, feel free to take over.

Licensed in LGPL v3

Home Page: Issues Tracker:

Building library and examples:

HINT: Depending your plat-form, replace qmake by qmake-qt4

Dependencies: * C++ compiler (ubuntu packages build-essential / g++) * Qt4 library v4.6+, headers and tools. (ubuntu packages qt4-qmake, libqt4-dev) * Mac OS X: CoreFoundation

On Ubuntu install all with command: sudo apt-get install make build-essential g++ libqt4-dev qt4-qmake

Building library: qmake -r ./ && make

Installing the built library (after having built the library): make install

Building library and an example: qmake -r ./ && make ./bin/examples

NOTE: On some platforms replace qmake by qmake-qt4, replace make by nmake or mingw32-make. Installing the library may require root privileges.