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Code for "Superquadrics Revisited: Learning 3D Shape Parsing beyond Cuboids", CVPR 2019

Superquadrics Revisited: Learning 3D Shape Parsing beyond Cuboids

This repository contains the code that accompanies our CVPR 2019 paper Superquadrics Revisited: Learning 3D Shape Parsing beyond Cuboids

Teaser Image

You can find detailed instructions for both training your own models and using pretrained models in the examples below.

Dependencies & Installation

Our library has the following dependencies:

They should be automatically installed by running

pip install --user -e .

In case you this doesn't work automatically try this instead,

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --user -e .

Please note that you might need to install python-qt4 in order to be able to use mayavi. You can do that by simply typing

sudo apt install python-qt4

Now you are ready to start playing with the code!


For evaluating a previously trained model, we provide the script. This script performs a forward pass and predicts the parameters of the superquadric surfaces used to represent the 3D object. With this script you can visualize the predicted superquadrics using mayavi as well as save them as a mesh file.

You can run it using

$ ./ ../demo/03001627/ /tmp/ --model_tag "dac4af24e2facd7d3000ca4b04fcd6ac" --n_primitives 18 --weight_file ../config/chair_T26AK2FES_model_699 --train_with_bernoulli --use_deformations --use_sq --dataset_type shapenet_v2

The script requires two mandatory arguments, the path to the directory that contains the dataset, in this case it is ../demo/03001627 and the path to a directory that will be used for saving the generated files, here /tmp. You should also provide (even if it is not mandatory) the path to the previously trained model via the --weight_file argument, as well as the tag of the model you want to reconstruct (--model_tag) and the type of the dataset you are using (--dataset_type). Note that you should provide the same arguments that you used when training the model, regarding the configuration of the geometric primitives (e.g number of primitives, whether or not to use superquadrics etc.). This script automatically visualizes the predicted superquadrics using mayavi. To save these predictions as a mesh file, simply add the save_prediction_as_mesh argument.

Running the above command, will result in something like the following:

$ ./ ~/data/03001627/ /tmp/ --model_tag "dac4af24e2facd7d3000ca4b04fcd6ac" --n_primitives 18 --weight_file ../config/chair_T26AK2FES_model_699 --train_with_bernoulli --use_deformations --use_sq --dataset_type shapenet_v2
No handlers could be found for logger "trimesh"
Running code on  cpu
Found 6778 'ShapeNetV2' models
1 models in total ...
R: [[-0.38369974  0.57926947  0.7191812 ]
 [-0.5103006   0.5160787  -0.6879362 ]
 [-0.7696545  -0.6309594   0.09758216]]
t: [[-0.01014123]
 [ 0.00080032]]
e: [1.3734075, 1.3150274]
K: [-0.33036062, 0.23313229]
R: [[-0.5362834   0.04193148 -0.8429957 ]
 [ 0.78693724  0.3859552  -0.4814232 ]
 [ 0.3051718  -0.92156404 -0.23997879]]
t: [[-0.18105912]
 [ 0.11244812]
 [ 0.09697253]]
e: [0.7390462, 1.157957]
R: [[ 0.9701394  -0.24186404 -0.01820319]
 [-0.24252652 -0.96831805 -0.059508  ]
 [-0.00323363  0.06214581 -0.99806195]]
t: [[-0.02585344]
 [-0.091534  ]]
e: [0.4002924, 0.40005013]
K: [0.41454253, 0.3229351]
0 3.581116e-08
1 0.99999857
2 0.99999917
3 3.7113843e-08
4 0.9999982
5 0.9999975
6 0.9999988
7 0.9999999
8 3.5458616e-08
9 3.721507e-08
10 3.711448e-08
11 3.9621053e-08
12 3.7611613e-08
13 0.9999976
14 0.99999905
15 0.9999981
16 0.9999982
17 0.99999785
Using 11 primitives out of 18

and a chair should appear.


To train a new network from scratch we provide the script.

You can simply execute it by typing

$ ./ ~/data/03001627/ /tmp/ --use_sq --lr 1e-4 --n_primitives 20 --train_with_bernoulli --dataset_type shapenet_v2 --use_chamfer
Running code on  cpu
Save experiment statistics in 26EKQBNTG
Found 6778 'ShapeNetV2' models
6778 models in total ...
1000/1000 [==============================] - 6s 6ms/step
Epoch 1/150 |                                | 15/500 - loss: 0.0110078 - pcl_to_prim: 0.0024909 - prim_to_pcl: 0.0085169 - exp_n_prims: 9.8473

You need to specify the path to the directory containing the dataset directory as well as the path to save the generated files such as the trained models. Note that the script automatically generates a subfolder inside the specified output directory (in this case 26EKQBNTG), where it saves the trained models, three .txt files with the loss evolution and a .json file with the parameters used for the current experiment.

Visualizing Superquadrics

We also provide the script which allows you to quickly visualize superquadrics given a set of parameters as a set of points sampled on the surface of the superquadric surface. Please note that you need to install python-tk to be able to use this script. You can do this my simply writing sudo apt install python-tk.

You can simply execute it by providing your preferred shape and size parametrization as follows:

$ ./ --shape 1.0,1.0 --size 0.25,0.25,0.25

Below are some example images of various superquadrics using different shape and size parameters Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Contributions such as bug fixes, bug reports, suggestions etc. are more than welcome and should be submitted in the form of new issues and/or pull requests on Github.


Our code is released under the MIT license which practically allows anyone to do anything with it. MIT license found in the LICENSE file.

Relevant Research

Below we list some papers that are relevant to the provided code.


  • Superquadrics Revisited: Learning 3D Shape Parsing beyond Cuboids pdf blog

By Others:

  • Learning Shape Abstractions by Assembling Volumetric Primitives pdf
  • 3D-PRNN: Generating Shape Primitives with Recurrent Neural Networks pdf
  • Im2Struct: Recovering 3D Shape Structure From a Single RGB Image pdf

Below we also list some more papers that are more closely related to superquadrics

  • Equal-Distance Sampling of Supercllipse Models pdf
  • Revisiting Superquadric Fitting: A Numerically Stable Formulation link


If you found this work influential or helpful for your research, please consider citing

     title = {Superquadrics Revisited: Learning 3D Shape Parsing beyond Cuboids},
     author = {Paschalidou, Despoina and Ulusoy, Ali Osman and Geiger, Andreas},
     booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
     year = {2019}