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Visual notification on the taskbar icon indicating that something in the PD requires attention
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Please add some visual (and sound if possible) notification on the taskbar icon indicating that Particl Desktop requires attention (e.g. sell order has arrived).
Describe the solution you'd like You could simply change the current taskbar icon visually e.g add a number in some corner that indicates the number of items requiring attention in the Particl Desktop and play a sound when that happens
Describe alternatives you've considered The current altrernative is to have the PD GUI opened and focused all the time in order to see the existing notifications or items requiring attention.
This was being worked on at some point. However, as it required dependencies that were not necessarily available on some systems by default, and alternative option was needed to be implemented. This has been started but not yet completed, and likely would need to be pushed out to v3.1 or a later version.
I'm not certain about the sounds though 😝 Also, adding those requires mechanisms for turning it off, possibly alert volume control, etc. And then do we provide such controls on an app-by-app basis (so users can be alerted with sound for market events but not wallet events, for example)? The visual element seems to do the necessary job of drawing the user's attention, and sound alerts seems unnecessarily complicated for something that should be relatively simple in general. But, thats not to rule out the possibility of sound alerts 😸 Can be discussed in more detail once we get to implementing the alerting mechanism in general.
Just a visual indication would be perfectly fine to begin with. I guess for the rest we can wait for the marketplace api to be documented and some 3rd party could implement a helper module that would act like a more advanced notifier (could also do much much more like auto-accepting the order or forwarding them to a different sales management tool)