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A utility library to authenticate ParseUsers with the Facebook SDK

Results 10 ParseFacebookUtils-Android issues
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Hi, There's 3 ways to register for my app 1. via mobile phone (my Parse app sends out a code to the number) 2. via email address ( my Parse...

Hi everyone, I've been working on an app for some time using the combination of Parse and Facebook, which uses ParseFacebookUtils, and about a week or so ago I ran...

Cannot log in when Facebook app is installed on device, `logInWithReadPermissionsInBackground()` returns null ParseUser. However, when debugging I see that authorization is actually successful and I receive facebook token and...

Hi, we are using parse as a backend in the app and using ParsefacebookUtils library to integrate facebook in the app. At the time of login we use ParseFacebookUtils.logInWithReadPermissionsInBackground with...

I was running into the following issue: I was acquiring my facebook accessToken and then linking with `ParseFacebookUtils.linkInBackground(...)`. Then, if I had already linked with that Facebook id, I was...

have two apps (for ex: A and B) live, backed with the Parse Server(now hosted on Heroku). Both apps point to the same Server App i.e Same parse_app_id and parse_client_key...

The case is the following: - I have an facebook ([email protected]) account linked in Parse. - With other account (logged with email, [email protected]) I try to link with the first...

Following the instructions for [Facebook Login](, and not using the Facebook app or Chrome Custom Tabs. The login webview popup continues to display after authorizing the app. Flow goes: Login...

I want to implement a Facebook log in, I was actually using Parse for a few months but I get the "facebook is not a supported service". I followed the...

Facebook user login doesn't work as expected when I use `Parse.enableLocalDatastore`, but without `Parse.enableLocalDatastore` it works perfectly. I'm currently using `com.parse:parse-android:1.11.0` and `com.parse:parsefacebookutils-v4-android:1.10.3@aar`. Below is the code i'm trying to...