
Results 19 comments of Peter

I think wayland will not land before juno+1

I think these approaches are way to powerless. The selector approach in CADquery proved to be very powerful and convenient

@tingspain Nope, I am not really familiar with web stuff.

You could just monitor the target for progress. Btw. there is a great script for rsync that makes it work like time machine

You can use rsync to give you the source size. **--dry-run --stats** I just googled also this. You can use **--info=progress2** for a percentage output of rsync. So maybe just...

> > I just googled also this. You can use --info=progress2 for a percentage output of rsync. So maybe just show this as progressbar. > > I'm pretty sure that...

Something like this 'class RsyncParse : GLib.Object { public static int main(string[] args) { var loop = new MainLoop(); string[] argv = { "rsync", // Use the -a flag so...

Probably have to consume the error stream to // stderr: IOChannel error = new IOChannel.unix_new (standard_error); error.add_watch (IOCondition.IN | IOCondition.HUP, (channel, condition) => { //do something });