antispam icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
antispam copied to clipboard

Remove spam from your IMAP account.


Remove spam from your IMAP account.

Do you get spam? If you don't use a spam filter (or your service provider doesn't provide one), then this can be a daily annoyance of deleting tens, hundreds, or thousands of nuisance spam emails in your inbox. Ain't nobody got time for that.

antispam is a little binary that reads in messages from your inbox and deletes the ones that are spam. Nice, eh?

How does it do this? Pretty simple: domain & email blocklists. Three massive blocklists are included in the binary to identify spam From addresses.

If you notice someone not on this list, you can add it to your configuration. See below.


$ go get -u


Configuration is via a JSON file. It has 6 possible fields, but only 4 are required:

  "Address": "",
  "Port": "993",
  "Username": "[email protected]",
  "Password": "myplaintextpassword"

That will log into as [email protected] with password myplaintextpassword. Easy!

Two optional configuration options are BadEmailDomains and BadEmails.

  "BadEmailDomains": ["", ""],
  "BadEmails": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

BadEmailDomains tells antispam to delete any email from an email address at that domain.

BadEmails tells antispam to delete any email from any of the given email addresses.


$ antispam -config=path/to/config.json -num=50