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Is there a way to name windows, so I can setup rules to open url in specified windows
I would like to group buffers in to specific windows, say all github pages should be in window named Github, if there is a window named Github else create a new window named github and open buffer in that.
There is nothing like this yet, but this sounds interesting! Just wondering, do you say "window" like a window in the X-window system, or more like in emacs (http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Basic-Windows.html)? For information, in the webmacs code I use the former, as I believe it is more common now.
I mean window as in the x11 window. I use a scripted window manager so i can apply x11 window rules to assign to workspaces etc.
I guess i could acheive buy hacking some rules into the open buffer call ?
I made some improvements for this. Now it is possible to run named instances of webmacs, using the --instance flag. This runs a new application for each unique name, and each window in the application has th X11 property WM_CLASS set to "webmacs-{instance}". And if --instance is not passed, then it is simply set to "webmacs".
I can now try to "redirect" in some way any request to any instance to another instance, depending on some rules. Is it what you are asking for @jagguli ?
Sorry been too busy.. I'll try this out and let you know.
Ok yes now that the ability to target windows, I can configure my window manager to pin some webmacs windows on certain desktop/screen.
Which is awesome ..
now need to figure out a way to route the requred urls to those instances.
problem is url can be launched through many methods. the methods most common would be ..
- clicking a link in an existing instance.
- mime handlers
- command line (yes you could pass the instance name in the command line but using the routing wil make sure it goes to the right instance by default)
but this might make it wierd that you click on a link and it does not open in the current instance which mya be bit disorienting unless ther is a message saying it is bein opened in another instance (with name)
Need like a routing mechanism , or a hook that lets me open_buffer_in_instance? so again a hook into openbuffer ?
Related to #82.