zhao feng
zhao feng
Hey @rlratzel @Ankitkurani1997 , any luck to make it work?
@Ankitkurani1997 Have you tried your code: ``` G = cugraph.MultiGraph(directed=True) G.from_cudf_edgelist(df, source='src', destination='dst', renumber=False) ``` using LocalCUDACluster? Also, why do you set `device_memory_limit` to 2 GB given that you have...
You are right @Ankitkurani1997 I think the right one should be ``` G.from_dask_cudf_edgelist(ddf, source='src', destination='dst', renumber=False) ```
Hi Bonsen, Do you mean anlthms should change to voxel coordinates before creating mask? Best, Feng