Parham Doustdar
Parham Doustdar
PHP 5.6 is not in RHEL repositories, and there is no code to add the [remi-php56]( repository in the puppet manifests.
When using eSpeak with Talkback, some items (like phone, Applications -> Settings, etc) are not spoken. This seems to be random (i.e. sometimes `Settings` is spoken, and sometimes it is...
When I try and use this code in my application using dropwizard-core 1.1.0, I get the following error: ``` com.codahale.metrics.SharedMetricRegistries.getDefault()Lcom/codahale/metrics/MetricRegistry; Heap ``` I've read on other issues that dropwizard-guice
Hi, This is a feature request, in case I'm right and it doesn't already exist. I'm looking for a way to specify chapter breaks. My structure looks like this right...
I'm using gcalcli version 4.0.3, and I was wondering if it's possible to provide the time range in the agenda output. Here is an example of a command I'd run:...