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Parcel v2.9.0 - v2.12.0 with SWC minifier produce invalid bundle when packaged in a Safari extension
🐛 bug report
I am trying to update the Parcel version in my extension Rango. Parcel versions up to 2.8.3 work fine but starting with 2.9.0 the bundle produced doesn't work when packaged in a Safari extension. The bundles produced for Firefox and Chrome work fine, though.
🎛 Configuration (.babelrc, package.json, cli command)
"extends": "@parcel/config-webextension"
"scripts": {
"build:mv2-safari": "rimraf dist-mv2-safari && parcel build src/mv2-safari/manifest.json --no-content-hash --dist-dir dist-mv2-safari --no-cache --detailed-report 0"
"extends": "@sindresorhus/tsconfig/tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "dist",
"esModuleInterop": true,
"lib": ["es2022", "DOM", "DOM.Iterable"],
"strictPropertyInitialization": false,
"jsx": "react-jsx",
"noErrorTruncation": true
"include": ["src/**/*", "tests/**/*"]
🤔 Expected Behavior
The produced bundle should work for creating a Safari extension.
😯 Current Behavior
There seems to be two problems here:
The first error I get is:
SyntaxError: Invalid character '\u20ac'
The error happens at this point in the bundle:
var tZ = tC({
À: "A", // <-- The error happens here
Á: "A",
Â: "A",
Ã: "A",
Ä: "A",
// ...
That variable is used here:
function sA(e) {
return (e = i7(e)) && e.replace(eh, tZ).replace(eD, "");
If I remove the variable tZ
and replace the return statement with return e
that problem goes away. The same happens if I run parcel with the flag --no-optimize
But then I get another error:
Error: Could not resolve bundle with id jkYZu
Searching in the bundle for that identifier this is the only place it appears:
rk = v("kdqLU").getBundleURL("3hxsg") + v("bq5he").resolve("jkYZu");
Maybe this is related to #9972, although this error also happens when running with --no-scope-hoist
💁 Possible Solution
While writing this issue I realized that the problem goes away if I use @parcel/optimizer-terser
as suggested here.