nyxtext icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nyxtext copied to clipboard

[BUG] can not open file from GUI

Open clach04 opened this issue 3 months ago • 6 comments

Nyx Text Bug Report


Similar to https://github.com/parazeeknova/nyxtext/issues/14 but with errors.

Attempting to open a file from the GUI results in errors:

  1. window appears then hidden behind main window

  2. stack trace

    (py3venv) C:\code\py\nyxtext>python editor/scripts/main.py Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Pythons\Python312\Lib\tkinter_init_.py", line 1962, in call return self.func(*args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\code\py\nyxtext\py3venv\Lib\site-packages\customtkinter\windows\widgets\ctk_button.py", line 554, in _clicked self.command() File "C:\code\py\nyxtext\editor\scripts\framework\welcome_Screen.py", line 55, in welcome_open_button = customtkinter.CTkButton(self.welcome_tab,text=" Open file... ", command=lambda: open_window(self.welcome_tab), ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\code\py\nyxtext\editor\scripts\framework\welcome_Screen.py", line 54, in open_window open = openfile_window(master) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\code\py\nyxtext\editor\scripts\framework\open_file.py", line 12, in init self.wm_attributes('-type', 'splash') File "C:\Pythons\Python312\Lib\tkinter_init.py", line 2046, in wm_attributes return self.tk.call(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _tkinter.TclError: bad attribute "-type": must be -alpha, -transparentcolor, -disabled, -fullscreen, -toolwindow, or -topmost

Steps to Reproduce

  1. start editor
  2. Click "open file"

Expected Behavior

No crash and from code scan file chooser dialog

Actual Behavior

See above


[If applicable, add screenshots to help explain the problem. You can drag and drop images here.]


  • OS: Windows 10

  • Nyx Text Version: ❗ this information is not available from the GUI - 3cfb7d72730acc4a16745d6a9967a3f9ba9ef19b see https://github.com/parazeeknova/nyxtext/issues/14

  • Other relevant information:

    Python 3.12.1 (tags/v3.12.1:2305ca5, Dec 7 2023, 22:03:25) [MSC v.1937 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

    • Pillow-10.2.0
    • chlorophyll-0.4.1
    • customtkinter-5.2.2
    • darkdetect-0.8.0
    • packaging-24.0
    • pygments-2.17.2
    • pyperclip-1.8.2
    • tklinenums-1.7.1
    • toml-0.10.2

Additional Context

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Possible Solution

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Related Issues

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clach04 avatar Mar 16 '24 19:03 clach04