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an online judge in python3 and django


POJ is an online judge. I couldn't think of a better name.

It is written in Python3 and Django. It uses Docker and Celery for submission evaluation. Docker makes sure each submission is run in a seperate container, while Celery makes it all asynchronous. The message broker we're using for Celery here is redis.

The front-end uses Semantic UI.

Any pull requests would be welcome!


Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/paramsingh/poj.git

cd into the cloned directory and setup a new virtualenv there

cd poj/
virtualenv .

Activate the newly created virtualenv and install all the required dependencies in it using pip

source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install docker for your distribution and create an image named 'poj' using the dockerfile in 'poj/docker'

cd docker
docker build -t poj .

Create a new database.

python3 manage.py migrate

Create an admin user

python3 manage.py createsuperuser

Run the development server, the redis server, the celery worker and scheduler, each in a different terminal.

python3 manage.py runserver
celery -A poj worker -l info
celery -A poj beat -l info

The site should be accessible at localhost:8000/judge.