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HTTP works, but running over HTTPS on iOS is giving a blank page even with valid self-signing certificates

Open ppkantorski opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

I used openssl to generate my own server.crt and server.key files and loaded them into the butterfly.server.py manually using the unsecured option and modifying a little of the code. The result is pretty good for me, I am now getting a trusted certificate on various browsers, self-signed. However when I load the page on iOS, I am getting a blank black screen despite the page loading.

if I disable credentials completely, I can use http:// with no problem on iOS, so I am slightly confused. I tested it out on Android, on Windows, on macOS, my HTTPS server seems like it should be fine.. except for on iOS and I cant figure out why. anyone have any ideas on this subject?

ppkantorski avatar Oct 02 '21 07:10 ppkantorski

One other side note. On the Puffin Browser on iOS, it works fine. but on Chrome or Safari, thats where I am seeing issues. It is as if the page is there, I can type, but there is nothing showing. This is such a weird issue, I am not sure if anyone will be able to address it, but I can at least bring it forth for future reference.

Butterfly is great, significantly underrated. I hope its development picks up again. I could easily add a pull request so that it is working with HTTPS like a regular website for others if they wanna try it out, no adding special profiles, etc. But I kind of have to scrap some of the key generation part that was previously written. I for one did not like how it had my computer name in the SSL certificate, I prefer some degree of anonymity. I am not 100% on how everything is connected at this moment since I only just discovered Butterfly, so I kind of backdoor-ed my modifications but anyways, really enjoy this project. Works great with a dynamic DNS.

ppkantorski avatar Oct 02 '21 07:10 ppkantorski