Will | Paradox | ParaNodes.io
Will | Paradox | ParaNodes.io
I'll get some examples posted in Polkassembly. I agree with the advised document flow.
Hi @DannyS03, I intend to publish a YT video on the topic of slashing based on the slides found in the PDF below. Within the attached you'll find some causal...
You're welcome, I hope it helps!
Draft document (as attached) is being reviewed before converting to mark-down for inclusion in the Wiki [Best practices to prevent slashing.docx](https://github.com/w3f/polkadot-wiki/files/8478302/Best.practices.to.prevent.slashing.docx) .
How to setup a collator on Statemint/e ?
Are you looking for something high level (end-user readable) or something more technical? This is an end-user page added to the Wiki -> https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/thousand-validators
I was about to ask why we haven't applied the new model to Polkadot.
I wouldn't be comfortable altering these limits seeing that this is now live. Any changes to such limits should be done under some governance directive.
Here's a bit more detail before the error and we're using 2.19 commit `24c7810f200 ` ``` Dec 20 03:59:48 Kurura karura[477345]: 2023-12-20 03:59:48 [Parachain] Starting collation. relay_parent=0x81f70140e85dd4b36ead510ac46b2ec763768ea171736f94c8faca418b712534 at=0x21a6dff64d3c8a228377ecac6fd01ac1448e5bb724a96caf769c0b5d3728a92f Dec 20...
Built binaries using `cargo build --locked --features with-karura-runtime --profile production --bin acala` thus far all is working well but I'm holding for observation for another 24hrs.