Well it's nice to see DTA back :+1: Still though got a question. I understand that it's not possible to integrate with the "Save as..." dialog, but would it than...
Hmm... that's a solution but it requires additional api calls. While in python it seems easy in bash it is more work.
Great idea indeed, but ehh that's a lot of work and good UX experience would be helpful.
Great to hear that :) I have managed to achieve my goal by manually editing the config.txt and setting previously the iqaudio DAC as default audio output. That works for...
> you can add ponits with overriding .points array) something like this: `player.config.markers.points = [{ time: 1, label: 'Label 1' }, { time: 2, label: 'Label 2' }]` does it...
> @paradix check styles, maybe you have white timeline (markers are white by default if I'm not wrong) Could be I'll check again, but statically added markers are visible
I did something like that ``` player = new Plyr('#player', { markers: { enabled: true, points: [ { time: 60, label: "Test" }, ] }, volume: 0, invertTime: false, });...
> @paradix don't know, it works for me) With the same piece of code?
wierd as the markers are created only at this three events ```,, 'durationchange loadeddata loadedmetadata', (event) =>, event), ); ``` So the question is when are you...
I think this issue is partially solved by But it still lacks the length option. @Kethsar @keredau would that be possible?