Paolo Moschini
Paolo Moschini
Happening also in my case, we have a simple `scrollView` with several row that act as menu items, then at the bottom there's a `BottomNavigationView` that partially covers the item...
Hi, you should uninstall and reinstall `brew` and after that install again `scrcpy` 1. backup brew packages (optional) `brew bundle` 2. uninstall brew `ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"` 3....
In `MediaPlayerWrapper ` change this: ``` private boolean inUiThread() { return Thread.currentThread().getId() == 1; } ``` with this: ``` private boolean inUiThread() { return Thread.currentThread() == Looper.getMainLooper().getThread(); } ```
@dup23 You should download the entire source code and include it in your project to be able to modify it properly
In `MediaPlayerWrapper ` change this: ``` private boolean inUiThread() { return Thread.currentThread().getId() == 1; } ``` with this: ``` private boolean inUiThread() { return Thread.currentThread() == Looper.getMainLooper().getThread(); } ```
In `MediaPlayerWrapper ` change this: ``` private boolean inUiThread() { return Thread.currentThread().getId() == 1; } ``` with this: ``` private boolean inUiThread() { return Thread.currentThread() == Looper.getMainLooper().getThread(); } ```
It's actually working fine, mind to check the parenthesis //not working ` button?.setOnClickListener { Navigation.createNavigateOnClickListener(, null) }` //working `button?.setOnClickListener( Navigation.createNavigateOnClickListener(, null) )`