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Compliantness with Rails 3
Ciao Paolo, ho provato il tuo interessantissimo plugin su Rails 3, ma non sembra funzionare per via del fatto (credo) che Rails 3 usa Thor per i generatori... (al lancio del generatore con "rails generate tabnav main" afferma che: "Could not find generator tabnav") Ce la fai a rendere questo tutti funzionante anche su Rails 3? Grazie e complimenti!
translation please?
Hello Paolo, It seems like you share with Italy just the name... :-) I'm interested in using your plugin (widgets, tabnav in particular) with Rails 3, but it seems like it does not work with that version of Rails. Probably because of Rails 3 uses Thor as generator engine. However, when I try to run "rails generate tabnav main" I get an error saying that it "Could not find generator tabnav". Will you create a version suitable for Rails 3? It will be very very useful!
Thank you!
Sorry guys, I haven't tried the plugin with Rails3, and won't fix it unless I start a new project using it. If you want to give it a go, feel free to update it.
You can take a look at my for at http://github.com/nasmorn/rails-widgets I have switched the generators to Thor and also added some html_safe calls to the tabnav part
great stuff, would you mind updating the wiki mentioning your version for people who are using Rails 3?
Did that
Thank you nasmorn, I'll try it ASAP to give you a feedback! Great job!