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ESP32 plugin for CLION

ESP32 plugin for CLION

Plugin for CLION allowing developing a ESP32 firmware, downloading it and debugging it using the integrated debugger by jtag.

After installed this plugin, you will be able to create a new c project: ESP32.
After create this type of project, you will see a set of predefined configurations to compile, flash and debug (by jtag) your ESP32 project and a new ESP32 serial console to see the ESP32 logs

It assumes that you have already installed the ESP32 environment as described into Get Started


In the setting menu, under Build,Execution, Deployment, you can find the ESP32 entry consisting in several voices


  • ESP32 espressif SDK path
  • Crosscompiler path
  • Default Serial Port
  • Default Serial Flashing Baud Rate
  • ESP32 Openocd Path

ESP32 espressif SDK path

It is the path where you installed the ESP32 esk, that is the path where you clone the repository It should contain the file Kconfig, by which it builds the windows containing the different options.

Crosscompiler Path

It is the path where you installed the crosscompiler executable. It should contain the xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc compiler and his friends.

Please refer the espressif page Standard Setup of Toolchain for Linux

Default Serial Port

The default serial port used to flash and communicate with ESP32 chip.
Anyway, you can customize this value on every different configuration

Default Serial Flashing Baud Rate

The default baud rate used to flash ESP32 chip. Notice that the communication baud rate used is defined by Serial flash config/Monitor Baud Rate menu

ESP32 Openocd Path

In order to communicate with jtag, you need to install a version of OpenOCD customized to work with ESP32: openocd-esp32.
This path refers to the installation directory of this program.