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More than just another GUI to Kong Admin API

Results 159 konga issues
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### Describe the bug Currently, this is the only GUI to Kong Admin API No new releases for more than a year. ### **Expected behaviour** It will be good to...

Hello guys, im having problem executing this command: node ./bin/konga.js prepare --adapter postgres --uri postgresql://localhost:5432/konga Postgres: 14 It gives me this error: Error: Unknown authenticationOk message typeMessage { name: 'authenticationOk',...

By default, total figures are observed in the konga admin.. my question is: How can I get the detail per month of these metrics (TR's)? Regards

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53871618/148352723-4eba4030-d960-4710-b621-916906022a70.png) I want to disable routes, use when I want to use and when I don t want to use instead of deleting

I don't know how to trigger the alarm。i try to stop the kong node and kill the service Api ,but it doesnt work .

After eks upgrade started getting following error in kong which giving problem to sync upstream routes. After restarting kong pods its working fine until there is not next new routes...

If an upstream is down the system sends 1 mail every minute and it is not possible to set a different mode! We experienced some problem during a night backup...

I'm currently using KONGA 0.14.9 to monitor KONG 1.5 and KONGA is started in the background with the following command "nohup npm run production &". And , On some time...

duo to kong now support the ARM64 architectures since version 1.3.0 , so i can run it on rpi, but the konga ,i built the docker images failed on rpi,...