Showcases can be created on the website now: https://hotosm.org/node/add/showcase There is also a very basic and raw view about showcase content on the website: https://hotosm.org/showcases Please add some, so we...
This should be exactly the main difference between: - showcases (**use** of the map data to create a real and tangible outcome, no matter if HOT itself or others are...
@grinapo This is already one of the (only) two showcases we have: https://hotosm.org/showcases I just wrote am email to the HOT mailing list to ask more people to contribute with...
Any update on this?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss this... At least we have had no response here. Maybe it would be better to take it once to...
There is nothing really defined. We could discuss this in the communications working group to get more input about how such a page should look like. Recently there was another...
It is implemented, but we still wanted to have a form that allows to select the amount to donate on the website and then redirect to Paypal. Similar as it...
@TylerRadford Please check if it works as it should. There is also a Thank you message involved. So, please test also the donation work flow. Thanks! Temporarily it is available...
I found two issues: - [x] Selecting amounts is not getting passed on - [x] Recurring settings functionality is not smart
ok. Now it should work. Please test. Thank you.