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A system customization app for the Pantheon desktop environment.

Pantheon Tweaks

A system settings panel for the Pantheon Desktop that lets you easily and safely customise your desktop's appearance.

Pantheon Tweaks is currently only supported on elementary OS Odin. For users on elementary OS Hera or below, please instead use elementary Tweaks.



For Users

If you have never added a PPA on your system before, you might need to run this command first:

sudo apt install -y software-properties-common

Add the PPA of Pantheon Tweaks and then install it:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:philip.scott/pantheon-tweaks
sudo apt install -y pantheon-tweaks

Open System Settings and there should be a new Plug named "Tweaks".

For Developers

If you would contribute to the project and want to install Pantheon Tweaks from source code, clone this repository and then run the following commands:

sudo apt install -y elementary-sdk
meson build --prefix=/usr
cd build
ninja install

Open System Settings and there should be a new Plug named "Tweaks".

Special Thanks

This repository is a fork of the original elementary-tweaks and could not have been done without the work of its authors Michael P. Starkweather, Michael "Versable" Langfermann, PerfectCarl, Marvin Beckers and additional contributors.