Results 244 comments of ΝΙΚΟΛΑΣ

This issue was addressed in **3.x.x** and frontmatter will gracefully be handled.

Provide an empty string containing a single whitespace character, for example: ```js const prompt = await prompts({ name: 'action', type: 'select', hint: ' ', // instead of '' use '...

Will make it available in 4.0 #138

@haroldao I'm making movements on this one. I don't leverage `t:` so I need some additional contexts to ensure completions cover all occurrences. Am I missing anything here: 1. Within...

Hey @AncleMarvel So, it seems you have deprecated settings and you need fix this. Provide your workspace settings and your `.liquidrc` configuration file. It is likely something very minor.

Interesting, I cannot re-create on my end. No changes applied to scopes, test cases passed. Looking into this now.

Add exitMenu: function(){return true;} in $menu.menuAim();

@tuanmy anytime brah! x

_Following this up from discord because when I begin writing the capability, discord is a huge pain to find historical conversations._ --- Maybe @muchisx has a point here: Given the...

Making some action on this one. We will adopt the `.` dot notation syntax structure, for example: ```liquid {% comment %} @accepts - bar: Section - qux: Section - foo:...