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🐝 Wasp : Wasm programming language

🐝 Wasp : Wasm Programming Language

Wasp is a new unified notation for both markup/object data and code.
Wasp is the foundation layer of the higher order programming language angle.

Β«Data is Code and Code is DataΒ»

Wasp Syntax

For example, a HTML registration form:

  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="email">Email address:</label>
    <input type="email" id="email">
  <button class='btn btn-info'>Submit</button>

Can be represented in Wasp as:

  div{ class:"form-group"             
    label{ for:email                  
      "Email address:"                
    input{ type:email id:email}     
  button{ class:['btn' 'btn-info']  

The wasp runtime is available as

  • native binary for Mac, Linux and Windows
  • small standalone webassembly file (~50kb), with or without
  • a wasm compiler (~100kb) in wasm:

Angle Language

Angle is a new Programming Language using Wasp as data format,
"Lisp with Hashes" and optional braces.

Hello World in Angle is
"Hello World"

The deep formal reason why this is a valid program is that the last object in a block is its return value
and the last result in the root block of the main file is printed.

Fibonacci in Angle is

fibonacci number = if number<2 : 1 else fibonacci(number - 1) + fibonacci it - 2

Note how number simulataneously acts as type and variable name.
Note how the unique argument number can be accessed via it keyword and some brackets are optional

Auto typed fibonacci in Angle is

fib := if it<2 : 1 else fib(it-1) + fib it - 2

Angle runs as wasm file inside browsers an as small lambdas in edge computing. Angle programms compiled to wasm, which dont make use of the standard api can be extremely small <1kb, just like handwritten wast but with much more comfort.

Wasp and Angle are free of dependencies (other than gcc, if the (wasm) runtime is to be compiled from scratch). Only some optional features can make use of external dependencies:

The natives runtimes can be configured to ship with a JIT wasm runtime (wasm3, wasmer, wasm-micro-runtime)

The native Wasp/Angle binary contains a small WebView connector making use of the host's browser component (Edge or WebKit). Since the Angle language can be compiled from wasm to wasm, this gives a whole self sufficient programming environment in less than 200kb,
with similar power to electron and QT.

Until a smart way is found to write directly to the WebViews canvas, angle ships with a low overhead graphics adapter (using SDL) for fast fullscreen painting.


Wasp Data Model

Wasp, is a new unified notation for both object and markup data. The notation is a superset of what can be represented by JSON, HTML and XML, but overcomes many limitations these popular data formats, yet still having a very clean syntax and simple data model.

  • It has clean syntax with fully-type data model (like JSON or even better)
  • It is generic and extensible (like XML or even better)
  • It has built-in mixed content support (like HTML5 or even better)
  • It supports high-order composition (like S-expression or even better)
Clean syntax yes yes no yes yes yes
Fully-typed yes yes no no yes yes
Generic yes yes no yes yes yes
Mixed content support yes hard yes yes hard hard
High-order composition yes possible no yes yes possible
Wide adoption not yet yes yes yes limited limited

Wasp has a simple and fully-typed data model.
