
Results 69 issues of pannous

The JVM now supports dynamic typing, can you make it an optional feature of the Enkel language?

deasync stopped working in node 7.5.0 REPL: ``` wget=require('deasync')(require('node-fetch')) console.log(wget("")) ``` TypeError: Generator is already running works fine otherwise

on Mac 10.9.2 identifier "uint" is undefined error can be fixed by changing uint to int in cudamat_conv_kernels.cuh me:~/dev/ai/deepnet/cudamat$ make nvcc -O3 \ -v \ -gencode=arch=compute_10,code=sm_10 \ -gencode=arch=compute_20,code=sm_20 \ -gencode=arch=compute_30,code=sm_30...

pls option ^^

Streamlined integration of openai adapter

``` > / Installation script is deprecated! For installation instruction please visit > thefuck npm install [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c] Aborted ``` thefuck? how to install from git checkout? ``?

Currently wasm-validate outputs the offending operation, however the context needs to be grep'ed manually: ``` wasm-validate main.wasm main.wasm:000007b: error: type mismatch in i32.and, expected [i32, i32] but got [... i64,...

``` /sandbox$ mount /mount/point Successfully mounted ( path...)/opt at /mount/point. /sandbox$ df -a Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on wasi 0 0 0 - /sandbox wasi 0 0 0...

Currently `wapm add` needs a prefix, whereas `wapm run` cannot handle it: ``` wapm add mark/wasi-version #OK wapm add wasi-version # error wapm run mark/wasi-version #error wapm run wasi-version #OK...

does it run any of the public GPT models, or are the data structures fundamentally incompatible?
